The HSK test is China's official language proficiency exam for non-native mandarin speakers. It is a comparatively difficult exam, but if you've studied Chinese for at least a year, you should consider adding our online HSK test questions into your study routine. Why? Our massive archive of HSK questions tests your knowledge of key Chinese vocabulary and grammar points non-native speakers frequently confuse. Even if you never plan to take the official exam, these materials are invaluable for identifying your weaknesses and correcting them.HSK Tip #1024: all of our sample tests consist of fifteen questions. Once you can routinely answer thirteen or fourteen questions correctly, you are ready to advance to the next level.
said on July 14, 2010
heh heh. Looking forward to the podcast dialogue that corresponds to this question.
said on July 15, 2010
rofl toneandcolor. I hadn't taken the test, but you just made my day.
said on July 17, 2010
said on July 23, 2010
无论她怎么改变自己,在麦克的眼 _里___,她永远是那个路边卖面条的。