In this age of Global Warming, our imperiled avian friends from the deep south are crying out for succor. And no-where is their plight getting a warmer reception than with our very own Tiansen.

If you're an old hand at Popup Chinese, you might consider this dialogue simpler than our usual intermediate fare. But it really isn't. What you should be listening for are the departures we take from technically correct pronunciation and grammar. You may not have internalized or even noticed these tricks to date, but if you start using them you'll come across as much more fluent than your peers. Because part of sounding like a native speaker is knowing exactly when and how to bend the rules....
 said on
May 15, 2009
excellent stuff. i'd like more of these shows calling attention to the differences between how Chinese people actually speak and the formal/technical pronunciation. i do not get this in my other reference texts.
 said on
May 15, 2009

Welcome to the site ! Thank you, and that is what we have been aiming for :)

 said on
May 15, 2009
Somehow the voice in the ad at the end of the lesson (and actually the ad itsself) sounded very familiar...
 said on
May 15, 2009
@henning - he's really talented and were lucky he's been able to put some of these together for us. I personally think they're hilarious. Got a pretty cool new show too. Definitely worth checking out if you miss the man....
 said on
May 15, 2009
They are! All the best from me!
