Harold's obsession with the veldt had become all-consuming. For weeks it had even crept into his dreams, the images so real they would linger after he woke, tinting his waking life with their savage beauty. He could see it now: the wild African grasses, the giraffes, zebras, hippopotami and then the lion, the most majestic game of all. And soon it would all be his. Soon he would be on safari.
 said on
May 6, 2009
补充生词 Supplementary vocabulary for this lesson:

Splitting up verbs and objects to indicate duration: V + time + 的 + OBJ

我已经看了三个小时的书了。 [wǒ yǐjīng kàn le sān ge xiǎoshí de shū le] I was reading for three hours.

我已经走了一整天的路了。 [wǒ yǐjīng zǒu le yīzhěngtiān de lù le] I was walking for a whole day.

Nominalizing verbs with 的: V + 的

他吃的是我的饭。[tā chī de shì wǒ de fàn]What he's eating is my food.

你唱的是京剧。[nǐ chàng de shì jīngjù]What you‘re singing is Peking Opera.

 said on
May 6, 2009
 said on
May 6, 2009

你(nǐ)花(huā) 的(de)是(shì)我(wǒ)的(de)钱(qián)!!!
 said on
May 6, 2009
@xiaoxin - 很黄很暴力 might be more appropriate in the context. Assuming the rabbit is yellow, of course.... :)
 said on
May 7, 2009

"Assuming the rabbit is yellow" ? Lololol...


