With air pollution off the charts in Beijing, we turn our gaze outwards this week and invite Echo and Amber into our studio for an advanced show about their experiences living and traveling across the United States. Little did we know that we would not get a podcast about the majestic sweep of American wilderness, the dynamism of a working Republic, or even the great American foods like deep-dish pizza. Instead, they both went on about something completely different....Learning Chinese? At the advanced level, we try to showcase a wider variety of materials than explicit lessons, which means we also have some shows featuring the kind of Chinese-only advanced conversation featured in this podcast. Beyond listening to this sort of listening material, we also encourage advanced students to check out our manually annotated collection of Chinese short stories, our not-as-regular-as-it-used-to-be film guessing game, and our archive of upper-level HSK materials.
said on January 16, 2013
你们跟很多的美国人有同一的意见。 据说纽约人很凶,加州人很奇怪。我觉得我就算一个所谓的奇怪人。你们在美国的时候怎么没有安全感?大家都知道中国人都是厉害的功夫手 :) 我觉得你们感觉不安全的原因是因为普通的美国人不愿意坐地铁还是打的。大部分的美国人住在郊区,总是开车。听说在欧洲和中国郊区和农村是最不发达的地方- 跟美国城市的市中心很像。我是最近去欧洲的,觉得很安全但是在洛杉矶我从来没见过小偷可是只在欧洲过了一个月看见了好多小偷 (特别在西班牙和意大利)。可能是因为在美国小偷怕偷东西之后被人枪毙。我今年夏天要去北京~是我第一次去亚洲。我期待看中国跟欧美的区别,我对中国一直真有兴趣。PS. Echo你为什么去了伯克莱???它的学生都是没有素质的“小便色熊”~~~最好去看斯坦福! PPS. 你们说的对,加州的无家可归挺多的是因为天气不冷。第二原因是因为我们没有城管~但我不要!
said on January 17, 2013
我也觉得到一个新地方, 没用你的母语地方比较容易给你不安全的感觉。 我有很多中国朋友, 可是如果我一个人去旅游, 我要特别注意安全。 如果别人的口音, 方言我不懂, 或者是一个新的情况, 我会觉得自己不舒服。 Being in a new cultural or linguistic situation can make even an ordinary event or conversation feel unsettling. (i.e. "How can I know how to respond if I don't even understand what is happening to begin with?" or "The way I express a certain emotion here may be completely different than how I do so in my home country.")
said on January 18, 2013
said on January 18, 2013
said on January 18, 2013
你也去看了斯坦福~好样的!斯坦福学生经常开玩笑说我们好像在动物园因为亚洲旅游团特多。因为伯克莱大学的吉祥物是 “金熊”, 我为了骂他们说“小便色熊”。斯坦福和伯克莱的学生对抗。我承认这个称呼是我造的因为太难翻译我们对那儿的英文称呼。Amber老师肯定知道我中文还差的这么远呢。我汉字读得还可以但因为没去过中国的原因我口语有不少问题。我会一个字说出来 is in large part thanks to Popup Chinese! 我希望在中国的时候我口语会发展比较快。
said on January 21, 2013
said on February 20, 2013
said on April 7, 2013
I just listened to this and found the stories to be funny because, to a degree, they're true. It's especially interesting because I'm an ABC and have lived in Shanghai for a month now. And thinking back on my time in America, it's true that the big cities don't feel nearly as safe as in some other countries. New York can be especially chaotic.Just glad you guys are speaking your minds, and hope that your next trip to America is filled with only happy stories! :)
said on April 12, 2013
said on May 21, 2013
你们好!第一次听泡泡中文,我觉得挺有意思的! 我是伯克利毕业的美国人,现在还住在伯克利。@孔瑞- 你不要小看伯克利人咯!你有些想法我不太同意,只要说清楚一点: 第一,你说大部分美国人住在郊区,总是开车,不愿意坐地铁。你这么说显得有点孤陋寡闻,应该说有钱的美国人不愿意坐地铁,总是开车。你有机会去一下中国的农村开开眼界。每个地方都有优点和缺点 - 我以前在中国住了一年半,钱包被偷了两次! 欢迎你们回来加州! -吴悠
said on May 21, 2013
@agwright 欢迎!我只是逗你们伯克利学生们玩因为David是伯克利毕业的。在中国的时候你钱包被偷了两次,我的天啊!I think whenever a person goes somewhere they aren't from or aren't accustomed to without local friends, it feels more dangerous (which is probably why Echo felt less safe in the US). 我以前住在一个墨西哥的很不安全的地方(A pretty rough neighborhood in Tijuana for 3 months),但是我感觉挺安全因为有墨西哥朋友。我去过海地好几次也感觉挺安全因为海地人陪我们。I think it matters less how dangerous an area is than who you're with. 我这夏天要自己去四川的农村和河南的农村-希望没有人偷我的钱包!其实”95 percent of American households own a car...only 5 percent of Americans use public transportation to get to their jobs today"http://photos.state.gov/libraries/cambodia/30486/Publications/everyone_in_america_own_a_car.pdf . I guess what I meant is the vast majority of Americans don't use public transit- that means stations are not as full of people as in other countries (especially late at night you can be the only person there) and it is not nearly as safe- my Chinese still sucks too much and I write it too slow to express this- sorry for so much English! 我自己算个“奇怪的美国人”因为我以前住在洛杉矶的时候每天骑自行车上班经常坐轻轨和公共汽车。遗憾的是大部分的美国人不愿意坐地铁还是没有机会。Even in low income areas in most parts of the country people are forced to use cars since there are few other options- especially now as gentrification in big cities is pushing lower income people to have to commute from suburbs. I wish there were more subways and everyone rode them! I envy the Berkeley area and it's public transit- public transit was terrible in the Stanford area.
said on May 22, 2013
said on October 1, 2013
said on October 1, 2013
@Julias,哈哈,我们也觉得广州是不太安全的。在中国,女孩子是不太喜欢自己去广州工作的,因为广州有好多“恐怖故事”,都是关于绑架、人口贩卖等等。不过我觉得在中国还是挺安全的,虽然有好多地方有小偷小摸,但是没有杀人那么恐怖。我记得上次去迈阿密,一个当地人对我说:if you go that way, you are dead.吓得我再也没敢去那个地方。在中国,当地人顶多说:if you go that way, you will be stolen. :-)
said on October 1, 2013
said on October 1, 2013
Gail,你上面说的“虽然有小偷小摸,但是没有杀人那么恐怖”真让我想到我住在美国康州纽黑文的那段时间。很多美国人一听到“纽黑文”这三个字就说,“好危险!你要好好小心吧!” 其实,虽然在纽黑文枪击比较多,但是遇害者大部分是黑人(顺便说,这就是Echo和Amber在博客里谈到的种族歧视问题的反面。起码在纽黑文,不但大部分暴力犯罪者是非裔美国人,而且,大多数暴力犯罪遇害者也是!种族歧视情况在美国复杂而多元。。。) 所以,我作为白种女性,总知道虽然很可能会被偷东西,但是不怕会遇到性侵、杀人那种的事儿。地方虽然危险,熟悉具体的情况之后,人还可以适应。当然,游客或者外国人到美国来,人生地不熟,就不行了。所以我同意,美国人在中国旅游比中国人在美国旅游安全的多呀,对这个情况我作为美国人有一点。。。嗯,不知道怎么表示,“惭愧”太过分了,“不好意思”吧!。
said on October 22, 2013
Hi Echo and Amber, I'm not going to write this in Chinese, but I want to explain something to you as an ABC.1. The employees at airports are unfortunately not very nice because the people they have to deal with normally are not very nice. They try to get away with not following the rules, or complaining, and it makes their jobs much harder. 2. That homeless person was targeting you because you looked like you didn't know what you were doing, so just be careful next time you come back to the US. Love your podcasts!
said on October 23, 2013
@bbcraffles,Thanks for your explanation! America is a nice country in many ways that we may not have mentioned in the podcast. I especially like those beautiful small towns. I don't mind people asking money from me on the street, but maybe not inside a cafe while I'm working on my computer, and acting kind of aggressively. I'm not a big fan of their begging strategy either: ask for money if that's what you want, don't ask for food and refuse it when people give it to you, then ask for money. Just be honest.--Echo
said on January 1, 2014
Dear Echo and Amber,Greetings from Anshan, Liaoning! 我很喜欢你们的Popup Chinese podcasts。你们的教学方法真好! 可是我觉得"Impressions Of America" 有一些缺点。第一个问题就是你们只提到了美国大城市纽约,旧金山和洛杉矶而已。这三个城市不能代表全美国。好多去过美国的中国人,只会去看看洛杉矶,旧金山和纽约那样的地方。但是没有去看美国的内部和小镇(in American English we call it "The Heartland").你们的播课也没有提到这样的地区。在这样的地区和小镇,美国人民是比较亲切,热情招待客人。第二个问题就是你们只提到了 美国的坏处, 而且不管你们说过了什么,都是 对美国黑人的种族歧视。我不是一个美国黑人,可是我就是觉得你们的说法不公平。Basically, if I was a black-American, I might not want to listen to you any more. However, the bottom line is that you guys are really good at what you do. Therefore, it would be a pity to let any perceived broadcast shortcomings or mistakes get in the way of the great learning potential you are offering people. I just pointed out those things which I feel could have made this particular lesson better. I know that Popup Chinese is continuing to develop. We all are. I appreciate you guys very much and look forward to your future lessons in the new year. All the best!
said on November 7, 2015
我刚刚听到了你们这个播客,可是当作一个学汉语的黑妹(加拿大的),我同意@Philarcher0615的看法。听你们这样讲你们跟黑人的社交就令我感到很难过。我知好像Echo跟Amber说的一样,不好的经历会留下一个比较深刻的印象。很可惜你没提到那些跟Amber读书的黑族学生。我家几代都是读书人,但是还得客服人的这种刻板印象。我认为你们都挺心胸开阔,所以你不要让人觉得你们也是"painting everyone with the same broad stroke".其实,我不要你们误会,我特喜欢你们的泡泡中文。我会继续听你们的 ;)P.S: I also hate it when westerners visit China and all they remember are the麻风病人, the spitting and the smog... Stereotypes are so bad!
said on July 13, 2016
This is embarrassingly racist. Well said @nakajima_kitty
said on July 25, 2016
Yes, very well said. I'm glad to read so many people found listening to this podcast as unpleasant as I did. I'm very surprised and disappointed at how ignorant they both sound.