Gandhi said something about being the change you want to see, and we agree. Because while you may have purchased that bottle of orangeade, and even handed over good money for it, it was a transaction made under false pretenses. So go stand up for yourself. Head back to that newspaper stand and tell the owner what you think of his business. You can insist this is not good enough and demand satisfaction.Learning Chinese? We have more beginner lessons coming out later this week. In the meantime, our show for today is for the more wizened Intermediate crowd which already speaks some Chinese and is looking to sound even more native. And how are we going to help you with this but by teaching a number of colloquial but non-standard words you can use as drop-in replacements for high-frequency ones everyone already knows. So listen up and drop these words into conversation and in no time your friends will be looking at you with renewed respect and possibly even fear.
said on April 29, 2012
Really enjoyed this lesson, particularly the addition of non-standard words. PLEASE include more of these in future podcasts The dialogue is also incredibly funny, love the last 3 lines: 你有病! 你有药啊?你能治啊? :-) Great stuff! I also find it inspiring to hear Brendan speaking more Chinese. I realize that you want to maintain as much authenticity as possible, but it is nice to hear a westerner speaking such beautiful Chinese. I would not be opposed to hearing more of this in an Advanced lesson, perhaps having Brendan fully involved in the conversation. Just a thought :-)
said on April 29, 2012
And for some more 方言,here's a rap song called 北京土著 (I saw this on Language Log a little while back): sure how much of this 方言 is authentic and how much is exaggerated. The rapper uses 人儿,but I seem to remember Echo saying that Beijingers never say that, possibly in the Dong Bei interview episode. Maybe this rapper is a faker.
said on April 30, 2012
@Jesse,Yeah, those a few lines which are full of 儿s are a bit exaggerated. For 北京话 songs, I'd recommend 耳光乐队. We did a KTV Wednesday with one of their songs: . For 东北话歌曲,you can try 雪村的“东北人都是活雷锋”
said on July 5, 2012
最后几句话是不是跟郭德纲的 《你要折腾》一个相声有关?从 9:50开始看 :-)
said on July 5, 2012
said on March 23, 2016
slight typo with the pinyin transcription of 鲜橙多 . It lacks a G. Please feel free to delete this message after reading it.