The once tidy house on the corner of Nathan and Barker Street had grown dilapitated over the years. Its unkempt lawn was now overgrown with weeds and strewn with debris, while the house itself seemed to have settled back into the shadows, its bright green shutters long ago darkened to the color of the slate-gray yard. Could there be any surprise that - in the eyes of the neighborhood children - this was a malevolent place guarded by a malevolent phantom?It is no secret that our Popup Towers facility includes various traps intended to dissuade careless children from stumbling too close to our production facilities. That said, we know that not all of you are as lucky as us and some may have occasion to deal with the curious offspring of prolific neighbours from time to time. And that's where this lesson comes in. Yelling at them to get off your lawn may not make a lot of sense in a country where grass is a rare, mystical creature, but if you put some emotion into it the sentiment should carry through. Good luck!
said on August 27, 2010
补充例句 Supplementary sentences for this lesson: Using 不但...连(都) 这个男人不但不知道自己女朋友的国籍,连她真实的名字都不知道。他昨天不但喝得烂醉如泥,而且连自己怎么回的家都不知道。他不但没及时到达飞机场,连自己的护照都忘了带上。 Using 让...给 for passive constructions 你真厉害!让你给猜中了!这么贵重的东西让他给弄坏了。我的帖子让管理员给和谐了。
said on August 30, 2010
我最喜欢看你补充的句子或者生词,呵呵 :)
said on April 19, 2011
你可以用“不但。。。连”为”积极“句吗? 例如, ”他不但来很早,连他有护照,签证,飞机票他都有"。 谢谢!
said on April 20, 2011
said on April 20, 2011
Xiao Hu
said on April 20, 2011
said on April 21, 2011
@Xiao Hu,
Xiao Hu
said on April 24, 2011
@Echo, 我不但很感谢你及时的回答也感谢你详细的解释。我不但实在不好意思问这么基本中文学得久的学生应该知道的问题也不好意思没有早一点来给你回复. :(
said on December 12, 2011
他昨天不但喝得烂醉如泥,而且连自己怎么回的家都不知道 - such a useful sentence. I've often found myself needing to use this haha