These lessons examine "tonal cousins": groups of semi-homophone characters that have the same pronunciation, but may or may not have the same tone. Simply click on the appropriate tone for each character and improve your tonal production and recognition.
said on January 18, 2009
This quiz tests the syllables [hui] and [hua]. Many of the characters should be familiar from the first year of study, but there are a few less common bound characters thrown in to keep things interesting.
said on January 18, 2009
Good test, thanks a lot toneandcolor. Ended up with 13/15 after flubbing the tone on 灰 and making a wild guess on 贿.
said on January 18, 2009
Good test. I'd also never run into 贿.
said on January 19, 2009
said on January 21, 2009
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