Perhaps you've read Tom Friedman's paean to China's high-speed rail technology? Up until the damn things started smashing into each other, China had a fairly successful history of developing high-speed trains. But you don't hear so much about them these days.
said on November 29, 2011
我现在试一试把新词增加到我的词汇表里,但是我遇到了这个问题:Error: The requested address '/tools/addlesonvocab/1053' was not found on this server.可不可以帮助我? :)
said on November 29, 2011
@craigrut,OK -- confirmed fixed. The problem was a broken link related to some changes we made after the site upgrade. If you click on the button now, the content will be added to your vocab list labeled with the title of the lesson.Depending on the amount of material already in your vocab list, you may need to use the select box at the top-right to filter down to only those particular entries.Thanks for pointing out the problem and sorry for not catching this in the first place.--david
said on February 7, 2012
我跟我太太上个十一月去了北京。我们一点儿怕坐高铁,但是我们坐了。我们到苏州和上海坐高铁,它很方便,非常舒服而且非常快。Note, I don't get any kickbacks for saying this :-) I don't live in China, and I have no financial ties. It really was quite nice... I wish we had high speed rail in the U.S.
said on February 7, 2012
said on February 7, 2012
@yeroc99,我觉得中国如果要拍 mission impossible,可以试试在高铁上拍
said on February 7, 2012
@Echo,你的主意太棒了!你应该打电话给Tom Cruise.哈哈
said on February 7, 2012