While the usual suspects spend billions on branding campaigns in China, it's often smaller companies with more forceful sales messages that capture our hard-earned yuan. In our lesson for today Popup Chinese is proud to present a short advert for no-name cola that mascarades as instructional dialogue. And for extra inundate-the-listener goodness, we're pleased to introduce our latest jingle too. We hope you like them both.
said on May 12, 2009
I liked the 葛优 ad voice.
高效 is highly efficient, is there an equivalent for highly inefficient?
I have been saying 无效率 but I want to add more emphasis when referring to China's traffic system or any other various aspects of inefficiency of China's daily life or bureaucracy.
BTW were you referring to Dustin Hoffman in Midnight Cowboy?
said on May 12, 2009
it would probably be 低效, right? or maybe that's low efficiency, which doesn't mean the same thing has highly inefficient.
Enjoyed the dialog incidentally. I like the way you guys keep these shorter and focus on harder and less obvious grammar points instead of just padding the lessons with lower and lower frequency vocab and calling it a day.
said on May 12, 2009
I think the phrase you want is 完全没效率 or 效率极低 :)
Thank you for your 夸奖 :)
said on May 13, 2009
补充例句 Supplementary sentences for this lesson: Using 一目了然 这件事儿一目了然。还用得着我解释吗? [zhè jiàn shìr yīmùliǎorán. hái yòngdezháo wǒ jiěshì ma?] This thing is understandable at a glance. Do you really need me to explain it?Using adjectives or adjectival verbs with 着呢 他刚回来,现在正累着呢。你最好别去烦他。 [tā gāng huílai, xiànzài zhèng lèi zháo ne. nǐ zuìhǎo bié qù fán tā.] He just got back, he's really tired. You'd best not go and bother him.