You may have heard the slanderous rumours about our brand circulated by that other Golden Monkey pharmaceutical company. Don't believe the lies! Golden Monkey Throat Lozenges offer soothing relief from a range of symptoms with minimal side effects and a great orange taste. If you are suffering from any number of ailments or body image problems, call our telephone hotline and get medical relief with next-day delivery!

The old-timers among you may remember our first part to the world-famous Golden Monkey saga. That podcast dates back almost two years now, but is as great-tasting today as it has even been. So if you're learning Chinese and like this podcast, be sure to check it out too.
 said on
August 4, 2010
Could you offer translations and text for the four examples at the end?
 said on
August 5, 2010

This is my transcripting of the four examples. I think it's right.

违法 - 酒后驾车

违章 - 在风景名胜区建造私人别墅

违规 - 上班时间不请假,擅自离开

违纪 - 当书记有了外遇.

 said on
August 5, 2010


只有一个小问题,应该是“党”书记,不是“当”哦~ :)

 said on
August 6, 2010
Haha, what a fun lesson. But is there no PDF?
 said on
August 6, 2010

Hmmm.... we added a quiz to this lesson earlier today which seems to have broken the PDF. Have regenerated and reuploaded it -- should work perfectly now. Thanks for the catch.


 said on
October 21, 2010

(3:11) What is Echo saying here bao4ma3 ben1che1? 

Thanks for clarifying! 
 said on
October 21, 2010

I didn't hear anything in this podcast like bao4 ma3 ben1 che1 at 3:11. But what you wrote in Pinyin is very similar to 宝马 and 奔驰 which are the Chinese words for BMW and Mercedes Benz.
 said on
October 22, 2010
@Xiao Hu,

Thanks! 宝马 and 奔驰 make absolute sense in the context they're discussing (expensive cars).

Apologies, I was looking at the wrong side of the dial; it is 3:11 from the end, not the beginning.

 said on
October 22, 2010
huyilin & Xiao Hu,

Yes, they were 宝马 and 奔驰. Just a quick note: it's "bao3ma3" (third tone).

 said on
July 9, 2013
Should jīn hóuzi sāngbǎo be sang3bao3?
 said on
July 10, 2013

Fixed. Thank you!

 said on
January 22, 2018
hardest quiz ever