Bruce Wayne surveyed the hospital room where Gordon lay in babbling incoherence. The police commissioner had been delusional since being pulled from the Gotham sewers two days ago. And while the fallen officer could offer no words to explain his predicament, the keen eyes of his guest nonetheless understood. For lying on the table beside him were the remnants of a dinner too much for any man to bear: an untouched slab of beefsteak, a spoonful of mashed potatoes. And then the corn. Two pieces of corn on the cob, gnawed clean to the bone.Learning Chinese? We are working with industry contacts in Hollywood to bring a greater and better vision of The Dark Knight to Chinese cinemas, one with more corn and less Dickens. Shooting a film is a pretty big endeavor, but while we get it off the ground we are pleased to bring a double-header podcast to help share our vision of the film, and drum up support for what we think will be a much more ambitious and literary take on the Batman mythos.
said on September 21, 2012
Nice intro!! Echo's line “但是不是他们现在需要的”had me laughing so hard!
said on September 22, 2012
I'll admit that I have trouble understanding intermediate dialogues. But I really don't understand why corn features in this one. I saw The Dark Knight, but I still don't get it. Help!
said on September 22, 2012
Hey David, the cinema on Chengfu Lu near Wudoukou station claims to have a Chinese dub of Batman (or so it says at the box office window) if you really want to hear what he sounds like. I reckon it would be interesting
Xiao Hu
said on September 22, 2012
@bretter23,I'm as clueless as you. I can't figure out 玉米跟蝙蝠侠究竟有什么关系?We should 求 David 的详细的解释.
said on September 23, 2012
Echo 说她自己选择玉米. 但是玉米不是那么好吃.反正, 玉米能解决什么问题?
said on September 23, 2012
哈哈哈,因为泡泡蝙蝠侠喜欢吃玉米,而且我也喜欢吃玉米呀 :)
Xiao Hu
said on September 23, 2012
@bretter23,如果玉米很新鲜很甜的话绝对好吃。 博客里面的一句话,“我们的城市需要你,我们的丰收也需要你”, 就让我很困扰,难道蝙蝠侠是老农民的保护人么?蝙蝠侠会穿着蝙蝠服装拿着镰刀到田地去收获玉米吗?如果会的话,我们该把他当超级英雄还是超级农民?我觉得有了关于以上的这些问题的答案之后才能获得玉米到底能解决什么问题的答案。有太多太多问题。。。唉!@Echo,你那么喜欢吃玉米啊? 你喜不喜欢吃青椒玉米?
said on September 23, 2012
@Xiao Hu,他是超级农民英雄嘛~青椒玉米是什么?
Xiao Hu
said on September 25, 2012
said on September 25, 2012
@Xiao Hu,好像没有,我从来没见到过。我们只有松仁玉米。
Xiao Hu
said on September 27, 2012
said on September 28, 2012
said on September 28, 2012
@Xiao Hu,松仁玉米就是把松子和玉米炒在一起,有时候也放一点儿胡萝卜什么的,不是辣的,香甜的。
Xiao Hu
said on September 29, 2012
said on October 1, 2012
@Xiao Hu,这个青椒玉米听起来真的很好吃,我也想吃......北京有涮肉、卤煮,还有小吃,比如豌豆黄、艾窝窝,还有豆汁。
Xiao Hu
said on October 3, 2012
said on October 6, 2012
@Xiao Hu,我已经流口水了...我也很喜欢酸辣土豆丝。你来北京的话,我带你去吃 :)
said on October 11, 2012
我也比较困惑-这个对话怎么有数不清的玉米?超级农民英雄。。。你的意思不是说蝙蝠侠的秘密身份是雷锋嘛?如果对话是跟金玉米有关的我觉得更加困难。是金作的玉米?是金色的?是南非的?我觉得SARFT肯定批准第一部中国特色的怪物电影-- 大金玉米穗的资本主义怪物defeated by peasant folk superhero Batman-cum-Lei Feng,who distributes the unfairly aggregated lump of gold and corn to the masses, thereby 实现小康. That would sell.
Xiao Hu
said on October 13, 2012
Xiao Hu
said on October 13, 2012
@孔瑞,呵呵,其实我觉得如果雷锋成蝙蝠侠这个超级农民英雄 (平民的大救星)可以首先打败粉南瓜的美国帝国主义妖怪和氖茄子的西方假民主主义魔鬼再的话,大金玉米穗的资本主义怪物肯定会更易受攻击的。这三种怪物击败了以后才可以开创真正的“小康社会”的纪元。 我肯定要去拍这部大片儿!《满世尽带黄金玉米》。。。Xiao Hu 作品!对了,你的中文特别好。我很好奇,你是中国人还是西方人?
said on October 15, 2012
@Xiao Hu,当然有正宗的老北京火锅店啦,不过你可能习惯了重庆的辣火锅,吃北京的觉得没什么味道。哈哈哈,那我就拍一个《满城尽是金玉米》,请Sinica的Jeremy来演
said on October 22, 2012
我回答得那么慢是因为这个月我在欧洲旅行,少上网。我是西方人,来自洛杉矶。我觉得用输入法比较容易,除了用输入法之外我的汉字那么差。我留的言指的是最近的Sinica节目关于为什么中国是没有怪物片的。你,Echo和Jeremy必须拍第一部国产电影,肯定会受欢迎!为了Echo 我会找Bradley Cooper 演美帝。我是洛杉矶人-大家都知道我们天天碰到明星 :) 我忘了,为了David我们还需要刘德华演雷锋。。。
said on October 22, 2012
Xiao Hu
said on October 23, 2012
Xiao Hu
said on October 23, 2012
@孔瑞,哇!你的中文水平很高啊!我也有一大堆很古老的教材,比如,我教材里面甚至有“同志”这种说法,而定义是Comrade. 现在除了委婉的暗示某人是同性恋之外已经不会有人说comrade啦!说实话,我每次遇到“同志”时觉得算是一种遗憾。
said on October 24, 2012
@Xiao hu,Kaiser?那当然是反派老大了!哈哈哈
said on October 25, 2012
Echo,我最近让Bradley给你写邮件-快看你的邮箱。刘德华(我的香港关系那么有用)没有时间给David发邮件但是他祝第一风扇好。他告诉我FutureX Cops 第二步对David奉献, 你下个生日他可以请你去看。Xiao Hu, 你看我查一查字典你就改变你的意见 。。。我知道日常生活里面里“同志”指的是“同性恋”。我老实不知道*为什么党不反对这个台湾用法。我一听官员说“同志”我觉得挺起来奇怪。我还听现代的学生说“邓同志”等等。我觉得以前的说法比价简单。大家都叫同志,太容易了。现在单词太多太复杂,越来越跟旧社会一样困惑。我不是说现在的和谐社跟旧社会越来越一样- 当然是!解放之前有数不清的贪污, 二奶和唯物主义,当然跟现在看起来不一样。社会不一样,我们怎么会用旧的单词? 我的意见… 我同一Kaiser 可以当反派老大,把精神污染音乐带来中国。刘德华(雷锋)会唱一首纯朴的歌打败精神污染音乐 。“学习雷锋,好榜样”合适(刘德华必须演因为需要唱得那么好) 。Sad thing is that is one of the few songs I actually know many of the words to in Chinese. That, 月亮地表我地心and the tune to that one song they sing constantly in 北京爱清故事。这么遗憾。 PS. How do you directly reply to other users' comments? For the life of me I can't figure out how you’re doing it…*I always want to use the English word “wonder” here and it frustrates me so much that there is no word for “wonder”!
said on October 22, 2013
任何孤儿都会知道的. Any orphan would know.Previous lessons discussed as indicating future tense. Does it also indicate the subjunctive tense?