After the construction of the new downtown expressway, drivers had raced through the streets of Beijing with an almost cavalier disregard for the laws of physics, for who among us would not feel exalted to speed from the outskirts of Shunyi to the downtown core in just ten minutes? And yet within a few years, even this technological marvel would prove no match for the ingrained habits of an entire generation of Beijing cab drivers.
 said on
May 31, 2012
Additional example sentences:


You think the road is yours and you can go wherever you want!?


What's wrong with me sitting there for a while?

And just a random comment :).

 said on
May 31, 2012


 said on
May 31, 2012


 said on
May 31, 2012
@Echo / Gail

这要看什么样的飞的室友而定。。。可能你们应该考虑超人跟他太太。超人最近不理他太太因为她没有Wonder Woman强。。。
 said on
June 1, 2012


 said on
June 1, 2012

Merlin吧?看那部电影吧?还是一本书?我没有看过那本书。在美国Hollywood退出了很多关于Merlin电影。我们也有很多为了电视的(made for TV?)Merlin电影。

 said on
June 1, 2012
Once again, teaching us the important stuff no one else does - "他妈 should always be 轻声“ 谢谢泡泡中文 :)
 said on
June 1, 2012
Sounds like Amber is talking about "The Sword in the Stone"...
 said on
June 4, 2012


 said on
June 4, 2012

I don't know whether it's the same story, but the TV show I'm watching is called Merlin. It's about young Merlin and young Arthur.


 said on
June 10, 2012

I'm unclear about how the 的 changes the meaning of the sentence. David, you say it means "Who taught you to fly LIKE THIS?" as opposed to just "who taught you to fly?" Would you mind elaborating?
 said on
June 10, 2012
Hey Jesse,

Sorry if I was a bit unclear... let me try to clarify. The meaning of the sentence isn't literally LIKE THIS, but we have the same sort of tone of voice that we'd get translating the sentence that way. So what I meant is that we have something that isn't just a straightforward question.

The 的 helps add this emphasis through what is an implicit 是... 的 structure, although the 他妈 doesn't hurt either: (是)谁他妈教你飞(的)车. Hope that makes a bit more sense. :)


 said on
June 10, 2012
Who's saying 是谁他妈教你飞的车啊? Is it the driver (Who taught YOU to fly??) or is it the passenger (who taught you to fly like this!?)
 said on
June 10, 2012

It's the cab driver, complaining about the other driver who cut him off (up?).