If you've just stumbled up from our Chinese lessons for absolute beginners and have emerged blinking and stunned into the light of our elementary series... this is probably not the podcast for you. Mostly because it's tough, although possibly also because of the bad memories it might dredge up of your best friend's BBQ party in grade three.

That said, if you feel up for a challenge and are working to push your way towards the Intermediate level, you'll find this Chinese lesson well worth your time. In addition to a very natural and fast-paced dialogue, we've got two grammar points that are actually pretty subtle, all about minor changes you can make to sentence patterns you already know to change the emotion you're communicating. This is the sort of Chinese that will help you move from just speaking Chinese to actually communicating in it. Good luck!
 said on
March 11, 2011
Enjoyed this one, thanks. Still quite challenging but I'm getting better.

 said on
March 13, 2011
Great one...

I have a question on “刚才吃饭人家送的一个酱”. Does the guy really says 人家?I've heard the track a million times and still couldn't tell. If the sentence was actually "刚才吃饭送的一个酱" would it still make sense?

 said on
March 13, 2011

Yes, he does. If you omit "人家", the sentence is still ok, but the meaning is a bit vague.

